Women of the Covenant

Who are the great women?

Saint Cecelia
Lies in the catacombs of St. Calixtus
Remembering them¾

There was Pheobe,
So kind the Apologists
Wanted Paul to make her a deaconess,
But he never did.

Lydia could certainly have
Led an high priest to school,
But she sold her purple
And attended to Paul’s needs
And listened to his sermons,
Never presuming after holy robes.

The daughters of Phillip
Could prophesy,
But so could Anna.
Neither they nor Anna ever laid
Sacrifices on the great altar,
Or consecrated the holy emblems.
They chose good works to
Recommend them before the
Throne of God.

Mother Eve,
Sweetened her daughters
After eating the fatal fruit

Because she so loved her Adam
And believed child bearing the greater
Gift for them all.

None were greater than the
She wrapped her arms around her
Man and enjoyed His
Presence so long as she had Him.
Alone at the Cross she
Placed her whole trust in her Son,

Who had already
Saved her, and her sisters.


Principle: My dear, lovely daughters: do not be heady for the priesthood. And do not leave your babies so you can tend cash registers. Though you become great scholars, there is no responsibility so great as bearing and bringing up your children. We play at BA’s, MA’s, and PhD’s.  There is no greater goal than salvation in the celestial kingdom.  The Father has already granted this gift to you; all you need do is partake of the ordinances and take your babies home to him clean. Your men, however, must “cleanse their robes from the blood and sins of this generation.” Let them do it!

Scripture:  Doctrine and Covenants 84:6-17; 88:74-75


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